This is just about the only way I see Sean these days.
Dressed in blue (sometimes head to toe like a smurf), on the field (that he spends hours woking on every day) and tan....really, really tan.
I complain a lot because he is never home (and I really mean, never) but I get so much joy out of watching him coach that I should probably just pipe down already and stop giving him the puppy eyes as he heads out the door.
Baseball is a little slow for my taste (I much prefer going to watch him coach a basketball game), but he is so happy and content on a ball field that it makes me somehow feel fulfilled. My favorite thing at games is when I overhear parents, fans and students compliment his talents in conversation, appreciating the impactful way he works with the players. Sometimes I have to stifle my squeal of agreement and the need to shout to them how much he loves what he does.
Honestly, if it wasn't for me, he would probably camp out there all season, hose himself off every morning just to get dirty again and live off of sunflower seeds and hotdogs from the concession stand.
Dang me for ruining his good time... :)
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