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Monday, April 4, 2011

"Happy" Monday

Hi! How was your weekend?
Mine was fabulous because I made this!
Isn't it cute? A huge thing that is on my happy list involves creating something new out of something old. I've always had a bit of a crafty bone but my projects seem to be few and far between. When I do make something, I'm reminded of all the beauty in world, much of which is untapped.



I got this silver necklace at a garage sale almost 2 years ago. It wasn't anything special and I was sure I would never wear it as is, but it was only 30 cents. I just couldn't pass it up. 
Finally I got the idea to re-make this sad little necklace into something new.
I simply took some extra navy blue ribbon I had lying around and wove it through the chain portion of the necklace. Then, I braided the ribbon through the multiple strands and tied it in a pretty little bow.
And, voila! I brand new necklace! I love the contrasting ribbon and metal.
Today was a sweat pants day so I have yet to wear my creation, but I am excited to show it off very soon!

I'm also going to make this bracelet and this wall decoration. Both of which can be part of my 101 Tasks in 1001 Days I better not wait 2 years this time. 


xxM said...

I love this idea! Mondays really suck... but why not start them off on a positive note with something you love! So cute... def follwoing your blog :)


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