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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lindsey needs...

Google your name with "needs" after it, and write down the first 10 things that  Mr. Google-man comes up with. It's hilarious.

Check out mine!

...a heart transplant. (yikes)
...time to go to the bathroom. (indeed, sometimes I do.) introduction, obviously. (I like this one.) get a hint and stop begging friends. (ouch. Google-man has no mercy)
...a Dodge Challenger. (okay, I'll take one.) raise money to help with her expenses. (hellooooo, someone hit the nail on the head.) create the illusion of a waist. (purpose for my growing belt collection.)
...a good sugar daddy. (Boyfriend, are you reading this?)
...snacks, and foods such as cheese and crackers are appropriate snack foods. (and the BEST snack.) remember to breathe. (yes, yes...)

Thanks Google!

Now, share yours with me! Please. I love a good laugh. :)


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