Have you ever had one of those "I can't believe I just said that out loud" moments?
Well I had one of those today. Kinda. But without talking.
Okay, so not quite like that at all...
I was sitting in class and my jaw started getting sore from the gum I had been chewing for several hours, so I pull out the wrapper, roll the piece up and....
threw it across the room at the trashcan.
As it was flying through the air, I was instantly mortified.
Did I really just send garbage sailing across the room in the middle of a documentary?
Yes, I did. I typically do this in the comfort of my own home, but NEVER in public.
And I sit clear on the other side of the room so my shot caught the eye of several of my classmates.
Luckily, I nailed it. Nothing but the bottom of the can. The gum soared a solid 15 feet into the waste basket.
A couple of my classmates cheered. I was instantly embarrassed. Luckily, Prof just laughed.
I wonder what would have happened if I didn't make it...
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