How seriously yummy and relaxing was your Thanksgiving? Mine was really wonderful. I got to see lots of family, snagged a few delicious recipes from my aunts, went shopping and saw Breaking Dawn II (ah-ma-gawd!).
But it was little weird because it was the first Thanksgiving that I can remember spent away from these two.
The three of us have been banded together as a package deal for so long. Where one went, we all went. Growing up we were used to splitting holidays and weekends between mom and dad, but always went as a trio. So this Thanksgiving was...odd.
I missed them very much and I wanted so badly to give them the “I’m thankful for you” hug. I’m so lucky to have a sister and a brother. And even more lucky to be both a big and little. (There I said it. Despite my painful case of middle child syndrome I actually like being in between.)
Court and T.R.- I am so grateful for you and your role in my life. Siblings are the best (albeit sometimes annoying and frustrating).We live outside the touch of time. We remember family joys and griefs, traditions and stories in the most similar of ways. I appreciate our bond more than you know. I miss you and can’t wait for Christmas when we can be together again.
:-) ..... Just :-) !!!!!
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