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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thoughts of Friends

what is friendship?
when souls meet and eyes speak, 
when minds are strengthened by smiles.


As I continue to grow and mature, I'm learning much about "friendship." It's a different ball-game as you age. There is such different criteria for choosing friends when you are 24 than when you were 18. I have greater self-awareness to know who I am and what I want out of my life. It is no longer about the friend who is there at 9:00 on a Friday night, but the one who is there at 4:00 on a Tuesday afternoon.

I'm finding drawn towards people who are kind and warm and genuine with me. The women who are just good and in turn make me feel good. Even if they have not been around long or do not know my whole life story or the ones who try as I might I can't seem to see as often as I want, I am learning about the importance of really good girl friends.


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