I went to the market today for our weekly groceries.
Actually I went to Wal-Mart but "the market" sounds more sophisticated and glamorous.
I like going to grocery shopping by myself because my lack of "plan" works for me, but not other people (cough, cough Boyfriend cough)
I'm all over the place, typically listless (unless someone makes one for me) and I get distracted easily.
The only reason I really like someone to come with me is when it comes time to get those groceries up to the apartment. I refuse to take two trips. I mean I seriously refuse. You can't talk me into it.
Case and point- today I managed to string half of the groceries onto my new Swiffer and the other half were strung on my arms. By the time I reached our second story apartment, my legs were burning, I had lost all sensation in my wrists and I completely squished every bread product I bought.
But I did it. By myself. In one trip.
But per the little bruises on my arm, I think I'm taking a shopping buddy for now on. Or I'm buying a wheel barrel and installing an elevator.
<Jeans:!iT, Button-up:MSSP via Dillard's, Sweater:The Limited, Watch:MK, Shoes: Anne Klein>
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