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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awkwards & Awesomes

-Mr. Camouflage-jacket-dirty-jeans-steel-toed-boots man getting Starbucks. Oh the looks he got by the Housewives of Cedar Falls....but coffee doesn't discriminate.
-My skirt doing a full 180 degree turn on my way to work. I must have a little wiggle in my walk.
-Boyfriend yelling down from the apartment window every time he hears me "beep beep" my car lock. I wonder if the neighbors can hear him screaming "MY BEST FRIEND IS HOME!!"
-Boyfriend planning our "attack" if anyone were to ever break into the apartment. We watched "Straw Dog" and it really got him thinking. I can't reveal the plan in it's entirety, but it may or may not involve baseball bats and crafty hiding places. And he may have made me do a trial run...

-Watching Boy Meets World in the morning. Boyfriend is jealous...he has quite the crush on Topanga Lawrence.
-Plans to go to the states largest garage sale tomorrow....I like to call it a treasure hunt. I've got my eye out for an arm chair, a bench, candle sticks and frames.
-Finding $20 in that sneaky hidden pocket in my purse. You know the one that typically collects your old receipts and gum wrappers. If I were you, I'd go sort through that, you may have wadded you change up with that receipt.
-Watching Netflix while working out. I used to be productive and read for class...but now I'm catching up on Friday Night Lights. Priorities people.
-Boyfriend scheduling professional pictures for my cheer squad. I mean, do I know how to pick 'em or what?


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