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Friday, August 5, 2011

Home Sweet Apartment

Ello everybody! 
I'm excited to tell you that we have finally arrived to our new apart-a-ment-o! Which I hope will be our home for a very long time because, well, moving sucks.
We had a pile of things to get into our third floor unit, but we've had even more things to buy, assemble, create and organize. I use the word "we" lightly. Most of it has been me since Boyfriend is the it'llgetdonewhenitgetsdone type. But he cheers me on extremely well and gives his most important nod of approval when I ask his opinion. 

Since Mr. Internet guy came today I can finally show you what I've been up to! In a few days, I've managed to get our living room up and running. I'm so proud of how it turned out! 

A new couch was a great starting point for our living room.

This was a hand-me-down coffee table from my mama and step father. I covered the four glass inserts with foam and fabric to give it an updated look with some color! 

If you are even a little artsy, I suggest you make your own wall art like I did for much cheaper than buying new. Browse around an art gallery or the internet to find something that you love and recreate it on your own (or recruit an art major to do it for you!) 
I found three small decorative panels that looked similar to these and would have totaled $60 to take them home with me. Instead I purchased four larger canvases, a little paint and with a bit of dexterity, made these for under $20 total. 

Extra fabric from my coffee table project proved to make great pillows! 
These are no-sew pillows at that! Use iron on hemming tape and you can have throw pillows in a matter of minutes (maybe I'll do a tutorial for you!)

This $30 bookshelf is adorned with old frames that I spray painted (and obviously still need to fill). Spray paint can go a loooong way to update old things and roughed up finds. Some of these frames were circa 1995 and others would beat up pieces at the thrift store. 

And this is a little decorative trick anyone can do! You'll never guess what this is.
It's the top of an old shoe box and masking tape. Don't believe me? Come over and look!
Simply go buy a new pair of shoes (this is my favorite step), spray paint the top of the box, and run masking tape across it. I doubled up on the tap so it wasn't so transparent. A couple nails and you've got instant art!

Can't wait to get the rest of the apartment completed so I can show you more. But right now you'd find clothes of the floor, bare walls, an empty bottle of wine and a half eaten pan of brownies, which I was forced to mix in a pot since I don't have mixing bowls... I'll go add that to the list. 


Dad said...

Looks great honey! When can I come visit?

Jessica said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I can't wait to see what other cute ideas you have up your sleeves and I'm so inspired to go crafting now!

Jamie Lee said...

Would love a tutorial on the pillows! You're apartment looks amazing!

Jo said...

That's a great sectional! Where did you buy it?

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