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Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Talent

I have random talents. The kind that are only useful when you need to say something unique about yourself during icebreakers. Things like juggling, walking on my hands and reciting the states in alphabetical order. 
But I do have one talent that has proven to be of use to myself and others through the years of proms, dance recitals and weddings. I can make pretty hair do's. 
I have never been formally taught but I can run Youtube, I like the smell of hair spray and I've got patience. As far as I'm concerned, you don't need much else in the way of hair-doism except maybe a thousand bobby pins.
I had the honor of creating looks for a long time friend and her bridesmaids for her wedding. The girls were so stunning and a blast to work with. I was so happy to be a part of her day in this small way and truly enjoyed having an excuse to so one of my random but useful talents.
Then I moonwalked during the wedding dance. 



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